In search of warmer weather...
My name is Jon Huber, and I am a freelance writer. I have been writing professionally for over three years. Born in Alberta, living in British Columbia, with my eyes on South America. I hope that my writing will be the key to a happy life in Colombia, where I intend to relocate to soon.
A long standing passion of mine is music and a new interest is sports. Although I have only been interested in sports for roughly six years, it has completely engulfed me. I am more than happy to speak about either, even if I am not writing something for you.
To the best of my ability I attempt to operate in the realm of honesty and transparency, both in my personal and professional life. I do my best to be an individual and encourage everyone I meet to be their strange selves no matter the situation.
I hope to write for you soon and if not at least get to know you a little better.
©2021 by JHuberwrites.com